최근 글 목록
- 뛰어다니는 윗층 아이들
- 2016
- 정의당 상무위원회 사태
- 2016
- 부족함과 초라함(2)
- 2014
- 오랜만에 홍아(2)
- 2014
- 다정한 모녀(4)
- 2011
왠지 땡기지 않다가 엄마되기가 '하지마'라고 하니 괜히 하고 싶어졌다. 뒤늦은 유행 쫓아가기... 근데, Purple과 Blue가 똑같은데... 왜 Blue라고 나오지? 음... 마지막에 질문 하나를 더 주던데... 말걸기가 Blue를 선택한 듯하군... Purple도 괜찮네...
You scored as Blue. You are considered to be a very calm person who takes things one at a time and does not worry too much about the consequences. Whatever happens, happens, is your moto. You are the one people come to for advise on most topics, because you are filled with limitless knowledge. You can handle any situation. |
Which Colour Represents You??? created with QuizFarm.com |
최근 댓글 목록