
  1. 비대칭 2006/04/21 17:10 Modify/Delete Reply

    아 이거구나!!!!찾기힘들었어 나름

  2. 돕헤드 2006/03/28 20:18 Modify/Delete Reply

    하늘아이 안녕! 블로그 열었네요. 온라인에서도 자주 뵈요.

  3. 하늘아이 2006/03/28 09:15 Modify/Delete Reply

    잘 지내고 계신가요..
    요즘은 학교에 묶여서 살고 있습니다.
    언젠가 길바닥에서 볼수 있겠지요?

  4. CINA 2006/03/18 05:30 Modify/Delete Reply

    i think you know that today, 3.18, is the international day of the political prisoner.. if you join the peace happening in daehakno... just say something about it. and of course i want a report about it!!!!

  5. 지음 2006/03/11 02:38 Modify/Delete Reply

    돕. 자전거타고 대추리가려고 하는데 도와줘요. 저도 1번국도로는 수원까지밖에 안 가봐서 코스나 도로사정이 어떨지 모르겠어요. 초보들을 데리고 가는 데 별 무리는 없을 것인지... 걱정이 많아요. 돕이 한국에 있다면 정말 좋았을텐데 말이에요.

  6. dope 2006/03/09 21:04 Modify/Delete Reply

    another (possibly long) day has begun.
    only 2 days have left for me to stay here.
    i am getting used to this new environment where no one speaks or understands my language.
    it is cool because you can say absolutely whatever you feel like saying and yet it is depressing at the same time because it makes you feel like you are alone in the universe.
    maybe i am.
    great weather, great people and great food in porto alegre!

  7. dope 2006/03/09 04:26 Modify/Delete Reply

    we say 'happy women´s day´ to each other here.
    so, let´s say it to each other, too, all right?

  8. 2006/03/08 19:37 Modify/Delete Reply

  9. dope 2006/03/08 07:09 Modify/Delete Reply

    do you know why little babies cry at their mother´s chest?
    that´s because they are confused, they want something but they don´t know how to get it, they want to go to see the ocean but they don´t know how to get there, they want to get things but they don´t know where they can get them.
    so what could they possibly do other than just burst out at their favorite person´s arms?
    they get relieved after crying out loud.
    they cry because they miss you.
    they cry because they need someone to pay attention to them.
    they cry because they want to say something but they don´t know what to say.
    so next time your little baby cries, just don´t say a word and cuddle her gently.
    she misses your touch.
    she misses your scent.
    most of all, she misses you.
    so just let her have you all.
    she will feel much better afterwards and she will smile back at you and whisper to your ear ´i love you.´

  10. dope 2006/03/07 04:23 Modify/Delete Reply

    i´m in porto alegre. i can´t believe how far away i am physically from Pyeongtaek.
    even though my body is far away, my mind, heart and spirit is always with you, struggling for our basic human rights to live peacefully on the land.
    i heard the moving news that we won the first round through the
    i know the fight is just beginning, too.
    when you´re doing your fight over there, i fight my fight right here.
    this morning at an international conference with more than 100 people all over the world, i had an opportunity to give a speech about our struggle in Pyeongtaek in front of all the people.
    they gave a big applause to our struggle.
    our fight against the US imperialist military will get a broad international support.
    i hope this helps our struggle become even stronger so that we can continue to fight until it ends.
    no matter where we are, we will never stop resisting until we establish a totally different new world.

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