Joan Baez, Children of the 80's

몇년 전에 듣고 무척 좋아하게 된 곡.

뭐랄까, 나이든 바에즈만이 쓸 수 있는 곡이란 느낌.

특히 'And we don't care if Dylan's gone to Jesus / Jimmy Hendrix is playing on.'
부분이 좋았다. 누군가는 갔지만, 그러나 무언가는 남았고,

또 누군가가 올 거라는, 낙관주의 때문에.

나도 이렇게 늙을 수 있을까.






(Words and Music by Joan Baez)


We're the children of the eighties haven't we grown
We're tender as a Lotus and we're tougher than a stone.
And the age of our innocence is somewhere in the garden.

We like the music of the sixties
It's The Rolling Stones The Beatles and The Doors.
Flower children Woodstock and the war.
Ah but it's getting harder to deceive us.
And we don't care if Dylan's gone to Jesus
Jimmy Hendrix is playing on.
We know Janis Joplin was the Rose
ah but all the stuff she put in her arm.
We are not alone.

We're the children of the eighties haven't we grown
We're tender as a Lotus and we're tougher than a stone.
And the age of our innocence is somewhere in the garden.

Some of us are the sisters and the brothers
We take a leatherjacket and a single golden earring.
Hang out at Discos Rock shows lose our hearing
Take uppers downers blues and reds and yellows.
Our brains are turning to jello
We are looking forward to the days when we live inside of a purple haze.
And the salvation of the soul is Rock and Roll

We are the children of the eighties haven't we grown
We're tender as a Lotus and we're tougher than a stone.
And the age of our innocence is somewhere in the garden.

Recently have you looked in our eyes
Maybe with your conscience in disguise.
We're well informed and we are wise
please stop telling us lies.
We know Afganistan's invaded and we know El Salvador's dictated
Ah but our lives have just begun
we are the warriors of the sun.
We're the golden boys and the golden girls
For a better world.

We are the children of the eighties haven't we grown

We're tender as a Lotus and we're tougher than a stone.
And the age of our innocence is somewhere in the garden.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Posted by 아포리아

2010/10/16 20:23 2010/10/16 20:23
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공산주의에 관한 발리바르의 또 다른 글

어제 아는 분께

발리바르가 공산주의에 관한 쓴 글이 또 있다는 얘기를 들었다.

요새 발리바르가 '맑스, 그리고 맑스주의에 관한 11 테제'(!)를 구상하고 있는 모양인데

그 중 6 테제와 7 테제를 발췌하여 <국제 맑스 총회>에서 발표한 것이 아래 글이다.



이것 말고도 Rethinking Marxism Volume 22 Issue 3 2010

에도 공산주의를 비롯한 여러 문제에 관한 발리바르와 네그리의 대담이 실렸다.


아무래도 발리바르가 공산주의에 관한 책을 한 권 쓸 모양이다.

기대 만발!

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Posted by 아포리아

2010/10/16 20:11 2010/10/16 20:11
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