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It is all a rhythm,
from the shutting
door to the window
the seasons, the sun's
light the moon
the oceans,
the growing of things,
the mind in men
in them again,
thinking the end
is not the end the
time returning,
themselves dead but
someone else coming.
If in death I am dead,
then in life also
dying, dying ...
And the women cry and die.
The little children
grow only to old men.
The grass dries
the force goes.
But is met by another
returning, oh not mine,
not mine, and
in turn dies.
The rhythm which projects
from itself continuity
bending all to its force
from window to door,
from ceiling to floor,
light at the opening,
dark at the closing.
The Rain
Robert Creeley
All night the sound had
come back again,
and again falls
this quiet, persistent rain.
What am I to myself
that must be remembered
insisted upon
so often? Is it
that never the ease,
even the hardness,
of rain falling
will have for me
something other than this,
something not so insistent--
am I to be locked in this
final uneasiness.
Love, if you love me,
lie next to me.
Be for me, like rain,
the getting out
of the tiredness, the fatuousness, the semi-
lust of intentional indifference.
Be wet
with a decent happiness.
The Moon
Earlier in the evening the moon
was clear to the east,
over the snow of the yard
and fields---a lovely
bright clarity and perfect
roundness, isolate,
riding as they say the
black sky. Then we went
about our businesses of the
evening, eating supper, talking,
watching television, then
going to bed, making love,
and then to sleep. But before
we did I asked her to look
out the window at the moon
now straight up, so that
she bent her head and looked
sharply up, to see it.
Through the night it must
have shone on, in that
fact of things---another
moon, another night---a
full moon in the winter's
space, a white loneliness.
I came awake to the blue
white light in the darkness,
and felt as if someone
were there, waiting, alone.
Dates of Birth/Death: 1926-
Gender: Male
Literary Periods: American Confessional Period, 1960-; American Conformity and Criticism Period, 1930-1960; Postwar Period, 1945-; Twentieth Century, 1900-1999
Literary Movements: Black Mountain School
Nationality: American/North American
참고 : 작년인가 재작년인가 죽었으삼...-_-;;
영어다 영어-_- 내일 읽어야지롱
근데 로버트 크릴리 직접 낭송하는 거 정말 감동이다. 근데 그 페이지는 회원만 접근가능하고 게다가 회원가입도 안 되네=_=
세포 단위의 사랑 | 2022/03/27 |
반영구적으로 안아줘 | 2020/10/05 |
야오이 소설 읽는 여자 | 2016/04/10 |
신랑 냄새 | 2015/12/08 |
중년의 시 | 2015/04/29 |
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