let's get on the second 'bus of hope' trip to Hanjin!

나의 화분 2011/06/25 01:55

in late last year hanjin heavy industry(ship builder based in busan) laid off about 400 workers when the company gained hugh profit and distributed large sums of money to its shareholders, with an ovboius intentio to move its shipyard to the Phillipines.

the workers organized a walkout, and the struggle still goes on.

high up on the 85th crane is a famous female labor activist, Kim jinsuk, continuing her 180 days of occupying sit-in struggle allone.

this second 'bus of hope' trip from every corner of the country is bound to the shipbuilding factory to join the workers and meet with her.

every gate of the factory is closed but about 1000 of us, the first 'bus of hope' trip to hanjin participants suceeded in climbing over the wall and made ourselves into the factory.

and now we're organizing the second massive bus of hope trip to hanjin company to put pressure on the company so that it scraps the lay-off paln.

the police issued subpeonas several tens of rhe organizers to supress the movement but it gets strong day by day.

we're trying to charter 185 buses on july 9 to the busan factory.

if we can pull this off, it's gonna be a huge historical victory, for sure!


to get on the bus, just come to the JEI sit-in struggle place right next to the seoul city hall on July 9, at noon.

the buses will leave at 1pm for busan

you can also come to the Youngdo ship-building company main gate by 6:30 pm on satuday, july 9.

get the word out!

let's spread the hope and join the workers on strike in solidarity!

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2011/06/25 01:55 2011/06/25 01:55
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