"A politics of civility therefore aims at changing the social conditions of perception, which are not only cultural, but also institutional. Such change is possible provided we do not adopt a narrow, purely legal and administrative view of institutions, but see them as a dialectical interplay of traditions and critiques, collective and individual inventions, where the exception and the provocation shape new normativities. Which is typically what writers, artists, and experimental thinkers aim to do."
- Etienne Balibar, "Interview with Étienne Balibar", in Beth Hinderliter et al. eds., Communities of Senses: Rethinking Aesthetics and Politics, Duke University Press, 2009, p.319.
오늘 수업은 참 쓸데없었는데
특히 제도와 사회운동을 외재적으로 대립시킨 점이 더 그랬다.
듣다 보니 며칠 전 읽은 위 문구가 떠올랐다.
뭐 그랬다는 얘기다.
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