늪으로서 현재

"Insurgence is not a top-down imposition of an already scripted future. It bubbles up from the past in places where present circumstances seem propitious for an irruption. In this view, the present is like a bog: leaky, full of holes, gaps, contradictions, and misunderstandings. These exist just beneath all the taken-for-granted assumptions that give the present its apparent consistency. I study this ethnographic present historically not to give a historian’s complete account. Rather, I use historical investiga­tion to show how the past always leaks through the present, breaking it up into heterogeneous elements, and permitting it to be recomposed and transformed. I use history to make an argument about the present."

- James Holston, Insurgent Citizenship: Disjunctions of Democracy and Modernity in Brazil, Princeton University Press, 2009, p.34.


늪으로서 현재.

한번 읽은 것이지만, 다시 봐도 새삼 눈을 사로잡는 탁월한 비유다.

겉보기엔 평온하고 매끈한 현재의 표면,

그러나 그 아래서 부글거리다가 빈 틈이 보이면 기포로 솟아올라 현재를 찢어버리는 과거,

그리고 그로 말미암아 새롭게 열리는 미래.

벤야민의 '성좌로서 역사'에 비할 정도로 인상적이다.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Posted by 아포리아

2010/12/10 20:27 2010/12/10 20:27
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